This set features a snowy railroad station with wreath adorned lampposts and clock tower, platform, mailbox, green trees, snowy grade crossing with twin barriers and lights, and a beautiful, festively decorated bus with opening doors and a luggage rack with removable luggage and gift wrapped packages. This model also includes a ticket counter with a timetable and a transaction counter window with room for sliding out tickets to travelers, plus a coffee shop with a serving hatch and a detailed interior with an espresso machine, cups, cash register and a menu. Includes 5 minifigures.
- Includes 5 minifigures: a bus driver, barista, grandmother, child and a ticket agent.
- The festively adorned Winter Village Station features a snowy train station with a clock tower, platform, coffee shop, ticket counter, grade crossing with twin barriers and lights, lampposts, mailbox and green trees, plus a bus.
- Ticket counter features a timetable and a transaction counter window with room for sliding out tickets.
- Coffee shop features a serving hatch and a detailed interior with espresso machine, cups, cash register and a menu.
- Bus features festive decoration, opening doors, luggage rack with removable luggage and gift wrapped packages, and a removable roof for accessing the detailed interior.
- Drive the happy passengers to the station.
- Raise the barriers to cross the track.
- Grab a newspaper and relax with a warm espresso from the cozy coffee shop.
- Man the ticket booth, serve the travelers and slide the tickets under the serving window.
- 902 pieces